Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Organizational Culture & The Legal Conduct of the BC Government in Handling the Basi/Virk Trial

This is in response to a story and comments on the excellent blog by BC Mary, The Legislature Raids.

To start off, the reporting and commitment of professional & citizen journalists is commendable and of the highest order to the rights and justice of the citizens of BC. Contrary to what Robin Matthews says, I think "onlookers" and little things like democracy and justice are very much relevant when the mainstream, corporate media abrogates its' role and responsibility of reporting on issues of importance to the public in a democracy. In saying that though, part of what seems to be missing is an analysis of the organizational culture of the BC government and how these strategies of deflection and unethical conduct are being played out in this case.

Over the past 7 years now, within the BC government, the people who've done the best, moved up the ranks, achieved higher levels of power and authority are often those with more than a bit of "moral and ethical flexibility" and a keen sense of self-interest, of an opportunitistic and an almost predatory nature in finding ways to exploit relationships with others towards personal gain, career advancement and salary increases. Within the world of the BC provincial government, the days of the discourse and service for and in the interests of the public good are truly over.

Now, in saying that though, there are still many ethical, intelligent & committed bureaucrats, at both senior & junior levels. However, it's the other ones that rise much faster and higher as we've seen they often make very bad, or stupid choices and arrogant decisions and are often quite sloppy in how they do things (ie. sending e-mails etc.). They also don't understand things like FOIPPA. Some players are actually told what they are going to do and promises and plans are made to reward those who will "adapt" their own moral and ethical stances.

When the inevitable sloppiness blows up, or when some parties find out what's happened, or can no longer tolerate what's happened, OR pre-emptive efforts are made on the part of the employer to get rid of people who know too much, that's when people often blow the whistle.
Most of the time it's self- protective, because there are no rewards for going there and most people still need their jobs, income and health. There are classic ways the wrongdoers go after people, often well before they have blown any whistles, or at least publically. The BC government now has numerous ethical resisters/ whistleblowers, some who are no longer in the ranks, many who still are. And they have lots of people placed to try to keep a lid on things too. On this blog we have some examples of those courageous and ethical people who took a stand and paid the cost.

So, this case is HUGE and so very important, but it is actually only one example of how seriously damaged the BC public service and government are and how deeply this kind of entrenched dysfunction goes. I think at some point, it is going to be necessary for a complaint to be made about the government lawyers' conduct in the case and perhaps an inquiry into how the entire justice system has been perverted in the province, as this case makes abundantly clear. Blaming Copely, Berardino or the rest of the legal branch is not really the solution, but they do take Oaths to pass the bar and they should upheld their oaths no matter what. Believe me, everyone involved in this and all the many other legal actions involving, or against the BC government right now are running around putting out fires created by Campbell and his other "morally flexible" cronies and their underlings. I don't imagine it's a very fun time to be a senior bureuacrat, or government lawyer these days, or MLA's for that matter. Have you seen how old, haggard and weary some of them are looking these days. That isn't a natural aging process, it's the weight of being part of something you know is wrong, covering things up, living in fear and having to make morally indefensible positions publically. It's the weight of your spouse, children, parents questioning what you are doing and where and why you changed from the person who knew better and got into politics for the right reasons: to help people and be part of making things better for All.

Another fixture of this situation is the arrogance of those involved at the higher levels. Campbell
has often been referred to as the Teflon premier, nothing sticks to him. That kind of arrogance and ignorance is often the downfall of his ilk, because they don't understand process and stick to a losing position. It's quite possible if this case was handled differently, the whole matter could be over by now, with Virk & Basi not even charged, or with lesser charges, pled out. A done deal. However, as we inch ever closer to the Olympics and these kind of shenanigans continue, the world could quite possibly come to see the Gordon Campbell Liberal government for the corrupt, unethical and criminal bunch of thugs they are alleged to be. I'm quite sure the international media who will be in BC during the Olympics would like that kind of spicy story to report on. It will make this Olympics quite a bit more interesting, especially when you add on things like homelessness, the Downtown Eastside, being the tops in Canada for child poverty for half a decade, convention centre over-runs, lobbyist friends etc.

I'd like to see some brave journalist conduct some sort of in-depth investigation of some of what's been touched on here. I don't think the mainstream media will touch it (they have their marching orders too) but as we can see, when forced to, they do step up at least a little bit.

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