Thursday, August 14, 2008

Upping the Ante While Rome Burns

Some edited comments from Bill Tieleman's Article:

Outrageous pay raises to senior BC Liberal government bureaucrats redefines Gordon Campbell arrogance
Bill Tieleman’s 24 Hours Column

Tuesday August 12, 2008

The NDP and the labour community have some of the finest media and communications artists and brightest minds and strategists around. And campaign organizers. There is something stopping them from lighting a fire under the party and I think we should all ask ourselves what? This is their election to lose and a lot of us don't want that to happen, unless they are going to be just as bad as the Liberals.

The truth cannot be evaded though, the next administration is going to have a nightmare of epic proportions to deal with. The cookie jar is almost empty, the full truth of where all the money has gone has yet to be told. Fires burning all around. The public service is being decimated by so many people quitting, being forced out and not represented by their union/the NDP, who could perhaps be the next boss.

It is quite absurd to totally lay the responsibility of the failure of the NDP to be making a big splash on Carole James. All parties, or even most organizations, take their primary leadership from executives who are supposedly "elected" to the board. Although portrayed as democratic, this is often a corrupted process, with nomination meetings being stacked. Or there might be a little covert intimidation by those in office, the status quo men, or their little hench people, to stifle less well known, or less popular candidates for the executive from throwing their hat in the ring.

Whether it's the Liberals, the NDP, the Greens, the labour council, or the board of directors, politics are politics and sometimes the people who look like the leader aren't really calling the shots. Carole James is a leader and a role model to many. She just may be part of something most of us can't even begin to understand.

It cannot escape all of our attention that many organizations are growing perverse, corrupt and brutalizing. Check these stories out for more proof:

Prince George's top cop ordered to apologize to city workers
Doug Ward, Vancouver Sun. Published: Thursday, August 14, 2008

Embattled police chief resigns, mystery lingers
Investigation turned up no criminal wrongdoing, mayor says; Battershill had been on leave since October over misconduct allegations
Rob Shaw, Times Colonist
Published: Thursday, August 14, 2008

This article is a perfect example of “stacking the deck” or the Board.

Cosy Business Ties Exposed by Health Budget Turmoil

BC's Health Authorities: Who gets hired (and fired).
By Will McMartin. Published: January 31, 2007.


Listen up: I am issuing a personal challenge to all media artists, activists, writers, bloggers and journalists out there to break out and start using their mad skillz, gifts and talents to help expose the mofos to our citizens and help win BC back for all of us. It is OUR province and we want it back. We can do this, it is within our reach and we have the ability to do this together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perhaps if you posted a email address people would be able to provide you with tips.