Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bet Their Family Get-togethers were something

Vancouver Island councillor and sons face new charges
CBC News. June 18, 2008

My comments:

I think it is quite likely the one brother has been plunged into the hell of instant detox and his hunger is quite likely for something other than food, but then that's just a guess. I take it none of the fine upstanding folks on here have ever been "dope sick" or known anyone who got "dope sick" but it is a pretty terrible thing. I don't know much about this case, but it seems fairly certain to me that drugs have torn this whole family apart and ruined the career and life of a man who was well thought of in his community. I've seen too much mayhem and pain from drugs, the drug trade and the impacts on families, good families and parents. I have compassion & understanding now. Most junkies I've known hate themselves and what they've done to their families and feel a kind of shame most of us will never know underneath it all.

There are glass houses people and every one of us reading this is one moment away from having a relative who is breaking into houses for crack money, or having her ass pimped out for dope. We all like to feel superior and smug as we pass judgment on the wreckage of other people's lives, but anyone on here who is a parent should kiss your kids and tell them that you love them and pray like hell everything will be okay and someone somewhere doesn't say to them someday, hey, it's just one line...just one hoot... Check out Everlast-Ends for a musical comment on it all.

And, I must agree, there is a wee thing called due process. If anyone of us fine folks was facing charges, or our loved ones, we'd probably want things like human and legal rights to be upheld and perhaps a fair trial, I'm just guessing. I'm sure this will play out the usual way, they'll plead to lesser offences, and take their lumps. The charges are already getting dumbed down.
Murder suspect allegedly assaulted man last year
Last Updated: Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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