Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The War Drums are Sounding

What’s that sound we’re hearing around our Global Village? Well, if my sources can be believed it’s the increasing beat of the War Drums. Under the cover of the Beijing Olympics, some might say the distraction of the Chinese, a number of war activities have been taking place around the world. The geopolitical maneuvering is ramping up for what will make for a very busy and perhaps frightening fall and winter.

First up, the propaganda machine is in overdrive about what really happened in Georgia. According to human rights reports, earlier in August, coincidentally as the Olympics were getting underway, heavy fighting broke out in South Ossetia between Georgian and South Ossetian forces. Russia became involved there and in the separate region of Abkhazia and other parts of Georgia in the following days. The violence was reported to have uprooted almost 160,000 people in recent weeks.

The Western media is playing this as Russia as aggressor, but there are some alternative views on that. This video clip of a 12 year old American girl caught in the fighting in Georgia was one. In this clip, she reports she was running from Georgian troops that were bombing the city and that it was the Russian troops who were helping and she thanked the Russians for coming to the rescue. Her aunt says it’s Mikheil Saakashvili, President of Georgia who began this offensive and was the aggressor. She stated the city was bombed by the Georgian government and the president must resign. The Fox “news” anchor cuts away from both who were reporting positive information about Russia’s involvement in the incident.

And, wouldn’t you know it, the word is that after a bloodless coup, in which Saakashvili was backed by the American government, he was elected in 2004. Interestingly, he has links to the United States State Department, which is the foreign-policy arm of the American government (apparently he had a fellowship there). He also attended Columbia Law School in New York City & George Washington University Law School in Washington, DC. Sounds like the perfect man to be at the helm of a break-away Russian province. Seeing the ways of democracy at last. And maybe the color green?

It’s interesting to read this official statement from the US State Department:

NATO Support for Georgia
Secretary Rice (Aug. 19): "...NATO intends to support the territorial integrity, independence and sovereignty of Georgia, and to support its democratically elected government, its democracy, and to deny Russia the strategic objective of undermining that democracy, of making Georgia weaker or of threatening Georgia’s territorial integrity."

If you desire to be poor, oppressed, and eventually vaporized in a nuclear war, vote Republican. ~ Paul Craig Roberts

This bit of news might have slipped past most of our radar. But, again, the US has been busy overseas. They’ve signed a Missile Defense Agreement with Poland, who is being lauded by Condie Rice as being “fully integrated into the transatlantic structures of the European Union and NATO.” This little deal enables the US to position 10 interceptor rockets in Poland.

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - who signed the deal in Warsaw - said Moscow's earlier warning that the base on Polish soil could become a target for a nuclear attack bordered on the bizarre.

Last month, the US signed an agreement with the Czech Republic to base tracking radars there as part of the defence system.

Washington wants the sites to be in operation by about 2012.

Reports from inside Russia are saying that President Medvedev has issued a directive to deliver a 'crushing response' to those Western Nations (US and Israel) for positioning their missile shield in Poland, Apparently Russia has also notified Norway that Russia is now cutting all ties to NATO, and has warned the Western Military Alliance that it will not tolerate the rearming of Georgia.


Another big piece of news is the resignation of Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s beleaguered prime minister, who many believe was simply an American puppet. He resigned so he wouldn’t be impeached, as the Coalition was calling for. Word was he was trying to negotiate a deal that if he resigned he wouldn’t be tried as a war criminal. Here’s what the American State Department has to say about Musharraf:

Pakistani President Resigns
Secretary Rice (Aug. 18): "President Musharraf has been a friend to the United States and one of the world's most committed partners in the war against terrorism and extremism. ...We will continue to work with the Pakistani government and political see Pakistan reach its goal of becoming a stable, prosperous, democratic, modern, Muslim nation."

Nigeria military chiefs dismissed
Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has dismissed the country's chief of the defence staff together with the heads of the army and navy.


This article is an interesting one and sheds a light on the motivations of puppet leaders around the World. It’s kind of a no brainer that these “world leaders” have sold their nations and people out for the almighty buck, but I’m not sure if we understand the immensity of that fire sale. In a prescient way it brings us back to our domestic leadership. It’s been long known that Stephen Harper was simply an American hack and puppet, moving us closer to our demise as a sovereign nation and a complete erosion of our civil and human rights. I now suspect this is much further along than even those of us who’ve been long been aware of the steady increase in “deep integration.”

I think even at a provincial level maybe we need to link the fast track to political suicide Gordon Campbell has been on in the last while. Most of BC is just reeling from things like the carbon tax and the latest insane and unwarranted pay raises to well fed Deputy Ministers, ADM’s and senior bureaucrats.

Most people are expressing outrage and many of us are trying to wrap our brains around how he would do such a thing with an election only a scant 9 months away. But, I think it’s time we begin to situate Campbell and the BC Liberals conduct squarely as allies and underlings of the massive steamroller that is squashing all of us in the name of global domination. Campbell sure seems to be acting like a man who isn’t too worried about his future and His Majesty is acting benevolently toward his faithful insiders at all of our expense with impunity. I learned long ago, when things don’t make sense, there is something I just don’t know yet, but someone else does.

It’s wild if you begin to look at the common patterns. All of these “installed” leaders have sold out their own people, hook, line and sinker. Some are called War Criminals, or War mongers, committing war and treason against their own citizens. It is beyond my comprehension that people would engage in these kinds of things simply for greed.

So, the question becomes, are we going to survive this unceasing and greed for global domination? Because the most alarmist reports are saying we are rapidly heading toward World War III and it is starting to look that way to more than a few of us armchair observers. The sabers are rattling, against Russia, against Iran. Unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. China’s hands won’t be tied forever, the Olympics are almost over. I guess it was quite a clever bit of strategy to award these summer Olympics to keep them busy and occupied.

With groups like the National Endowment for Democracy, offering “grants” for the “strengthening of democratic institutions” around the world, is it any wonder that we are rapidly heading toward a showdown some of us might not live through? We’re already losing far too many courageous soldiers and others who deserve so much better. And a life.

I don’t know about you, but I’m rather fond of living and want a safe world for our children to grow up in. Another Cold War, or nuclear war is not even on my list of things to do. In the West, we still live in vaguely democratic nations, so I can only hope and encourage all of us to work together and fight the real enemies, not the shadows and illusions created to deflect from who we really need to get rid of.

We need to start getting out into the streets and raising our voices against this oppression. In BC and Canada, we have some elections coming up and we need to get involved. If the traditional left parties aren’t up to the job, as they seem to have been kneecapped by the neo-cons too, we need to back candidates who are there to fight for our rights and needs. This is no time for half-assed, or namby-pamby leaders. Our world and lives are going to be at stake very soon and we need to elect the best people to help us all. I don’t know about you, but someday, if the children I know ask me what I did to fight for the World, I want to be able to tell them what I did so they could have a future.

1 comment:

Martin Campbell said...

While this article is interesting, I fail to see how it is relevant to a blog entitled 'Whistleblowers BC'.

A bit disappointing.