Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How Bill C51 helps destroy Canada

Thought I should jump in here about that virulent piece of nastiness, Bill C51. It would appear our very rights as mere citizens of Canada are in jeopardy.

What do the Conservatives have against Omega 3’s, Echinacea or Spirulina, or Greens.
A friend of mine with rheumatoid arthritis recently bought as much tiger balm as she could from her local wholesaler from all of their stores around. It’s one of the few things that gives her a modicum of relief of pain and she can’t bear the thought of going without. We joked that she could turn herself into a regional supplier of the stuff. But, once you start reading Bill C51, would my friend be viewed as a criminal to her government if it is passed? As I often find myself reflecting these, what the hell is wrong with our government?

Heike Ferrie wrote an excellent piece called Prescription drugs are now the leading cause of death in the May 2008 issue of the Monitor, from the
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Her article starts out with the following:

“Street drugs kill about 20,000 people a year in North America, but prescription drugs kill about 700,000 year, making legal drugs the leading cause of death. Drug side effects also cause 8.8 million hospitalizations annually or 28% of all hospital admissions.”

So, let’s get this straight. There is not one single known death attributed to natural health products in Canada, yet Stephen Harper and Tony Clement, his Minister of Health, want to strip the citizens of this country of our right to access a wide range of natural health products. If Bill C51 passes, and you buy/sell/share/collect/dry/eat/feed to your family any of the restricted items, your government will label you a criminal and you could be subject to fines 1000X bigger than those currently in effect.

As many are picking up, is this really about the health of Canadians? It’s really smoke & mirrors. Many are questioning the draconian measures being enshrined in this bill, right under our noses. Essentially, Bill C51 seems simply an additional link in the chain that is the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and North American Union (NAU), where the powers that be (whoever these shadowy folks are) create something to fear domestically as a shield to erode citizen rights to those little things like freedom and democracy. When a government criminalizes it’s citizens for providing and selling health products there is something so much more going on.

The Official Stop C51 Website

Bill C-51 Will:
Allow Government agents to:
-Enter private property without a warrant Section 23 (4)
-Confiscate your property at their discretion, at your cost Section 23.3 a
-Dispose of your property at their discretion, at your cost Section 23.3 c
-Seize your bank accounts without a warrant Section 23 (2) (d)
-Charge you for shipping and storage of your property Section 23.3a-b
-Store your property Indefinitely without paying you for damages Section 23 (2) (d)
-Levy fines of up to $5,000,000.00 / 2 years in jail per offence. Section 31.1

Introduce new legislation that will:
-Allow laws to be created in Canada, behind closed doors, with the assistance of foreign governments, industrial and trade organizations Section 30.7
-Allow "Crack house style" of enforcement on natural health providers Section 23.1
-Allow enforcement to be considered on more than 70% of Canadians who use NHP's Health Canada Reference
-Allow the minister, based on opinion, to shut down research without any scientific reason or evidence of risk or harm Section 18.5
-Allow the minister, based on opinion, to allow or disallow market authorizations for Natural Health Products Section 18.7 (1)


Stop C51 Petition: Don’t Let OUR government push this through.

Let your MP know that if they don’t fight Bill C51 and help prevent it from being passed that they will never sit in that big House again. This is worth bringing the Conservatives down over and the Opposition members need to know that. They have had many opportunities and I suggest the destruction of Canadian’s basic Charter Rights & Freedoms in this way is enough of a reason to tear this House apart.

Member of Parliament Lookup

Find out who your MP is to request their advocacy services on your behalf.


“Once upon a time there was a Canada”

Canada's C-51 Law To Outlaw 60% of Natural Health Products: Don't Let Big Pharma Do This To Canada

C-51 would even criminalize the simple drying of herbs in your kitchen to be used in an herbal product, by the way. That would now be categorized as a “controlled activity,” and anyone caught engaging in such “controlled activities” would be arrested, fined and potentially jailed. Other “controlled activities” include labeling bottles, harvesting plants on a farm, collecting herbs from your back yard, or even testing herbal products on yourself! (Yes, virtually every activity involving herbs or supplements would be criminalized...)
This last bit is interesting in the context of the Witch hunts of centuries past. Wise women (crones) were the established healers of the village and community and wouldn’t you know the criminalization and rounding up of these wise women led to the creation and rise of the medical and legal systems. I guess I better go throw that drying rosemary out, yikes, wouldn’t want the storm troopers descending to take me into custody, they’d have a field day with all the vitamins and natural health products I have in my home. I wonder what gulag they’ll build for all of these heartless criminals? Guatanamo is supposed to be emptying soon and I hear Haliburton is on a detention centre building boom in the US, so I guess we better stop giving vitamins to the kids too. A whole new boom time will happen for the child protection and legal system if parents are going to be criminalized for giving the kids natural health products. When is this madness going to stop?

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