Friday, June 27, 2008

Disinformation, Manipulation & the Corporate Media

I’ve been thinking about the use of the corporate media as a machine of disinformation and in some cases, manipulation of the public. Those of us in the so-called “blogosphere,” particularly those of us who are involved in political blogging often identify ourselves as “citizen journalists.” I wonder if many of us become involved in blogging in part as a reaction to the corporatization and concentration of media. I know that was a major catalyst for me. In Canada, in some ways I think our very democracy is swinging in the breeze up on the hangman’s platform as we are all subjected to non-stop spin and manipulation by the mainstream media (or MSM as they’re called). Things didn’t use to be this way and in part, I blame the CRTC,
who are supposed to be looking out for the public’s interest. I fail to see that happening when they’ve allowed corporations to concentrate so much media and subsequent rulings seem to be quite encouraging of corporate media in their endeavours.

Undoubtedly an important book for many of us to check out is “Lies the Media Tell Us” by James Winter, a communications professor from the University of Windsor. I recently read a book review in the CCPA Monitor (yet one more reason that makes the CCPA an outstanding alternative to MSM) by Roy LaBerge in which Winter’s book is dissected and some of his most important points laid bare. I think it’s easy
for most of us to disconnect from the real business of news… advertising dollars. In his book, Winter relates the quote from a newspaper authority who says the news is “just the filler in between the ads.” The point being, advertisers can and do exert an incredible influence on media content of news. A local couple of examples spring to mind for me that reinforce this point in a real world way.

1. Consider for a moment the chill of the 2007 Black on Black story (Sean Holman’s Public Eye Online) about the story of Victoria News reporter Brennan Clarke and editor Keith Norbury getting a “talking to” from Black Press Ltd. British Columbia chief operating officer Rick O'Connor about "the impact a potential loss of advertising from the automotive sector" would have on the company. This, after the newspaper published a story about a cross-border car shopper. Those who followed the story, probably most of whom are journalists were deeply concerned about Mr. Clarke’s subsequent firing, which, of course, had nothing to do with writing that story, according to his employer. The most chilling piece to me is when Holman reports publisher, Penny Sakamoto and Island group president Mark Warner “meeting with the reporter, Brennan Clark, regional editor, Keith Norbury, and group editor Brian Lepine to express their concerns and explain the impact a potential loss of advertising from the automotive sector would have on these newspapers." As further explained by O’Connor, Holman continues:

“asked whether editorial staff need to consider the impact their stories have on advertising, Mr. O'Connor said, "No. But they need to understand that, if they don't have balance, then we're wide open to whatever criticisms come our way - whether it's related to advertising or not. In this case, the story was related to an advertising sector we're very strong in. And we took the brunt of their unhappiness" - referring to the fact advertising from the automotive sector dropped the week after Mr. Clarke's article was published. Brrrrr, it’s getting cold in here.

2. Thanks to another blogger, Gazetteer, I was recently happy to discover Harvey Oberfeld’s blog, Keeping It Real. Oberfeld, journalist extraordinaire with heaps of experience in print, television and other media, has now made the jump into the abyss of the blogosphere, much to the delight of many of us. Now he is unfettered by a corporate master and can really tell it like it is, with decades of experience about media in Canada. His most excellent story Vancouver Sun: When Propaganda Imitates News is a great introduction to what we can expect. In this story, Oberfeld minces no words, right out of the gate:

“Friday the 13th was indeed a really unlucky day for the Vancouver Sun … in terms of its vigilance aimed at protecting its journalistic integrity.” He goes on to write about how he caught the Sun in a bit of a piece of shameful media manipulation in cahoots with their buddies, the BC Liberals. Sharp Harvey caught the Sun in their Special Section entitled Doing Business in China. Purported to simply be a series of articles about the obvious, doing business in China, looking at trade policies and practices and how to best capitalize on the largely untapped frontier of China as a business entity and corporate wet dream. As Oberfeld notes:

“BUT there were also FOUR pages boldly proclaiming IN FOCUS and featuring no less than SIX photos of Premier Gordon Campbell (as if the two others on other pages were not enough!) along with riveting articles entitled “A message from Premier Gordon Campbell”, “A message from Minister Colin Hansen”, and “British Columbia and Canada in the Asia Pacific Region: building a shared and prosperous future”… But there it was, atop two beaming pictures of the Premier, a statement asserting ”This feature has been provided by The Vancouver Sun”. Apparently, propaganda was now news “feature” material … bought and paid for.”

After writing to the Executive Editor Valerie Casselton, the Sun’s big gun, Editor in Chief Patricia Graham confirms to Oberfeld that ooops, “FOUR PAGES OF THE SECTION WERE GOVERNMENT ADVERTISING, but the paper had mistakenly NOT said so.” Her explanation:

“The feature is advertising and should not have been labelled that way; it was a mistake. We have a policy that advertising features should be labelled so that they do not appear to be editorial; unfortunately human error in this case meant the policy was not followed.”

Now, what started me on this thread was not actually media manipulation per se, but the idea of media disinformation as a powerful and often overlooked geopolitical tool. I read A LOT of media, mainstream, alternative and “off the beaten path” stuff. Some of it even I find hard to believe, but I’ll tell you, having been perusing this for some time, I think even some of the most “out there” stuff has kernels of truth in it.

What really sparked this for me is the report this week of an incident in which the global MSM is reporting that an Israeli guard in the army committed suicide at the farewell meeting in Israel of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President Shimon Peres. For those of us who follow geopolitics, Mr. Sarkozy has just been crowned the President of the European Union (EU), making him a global player and leader in the geopolitical realm. The corporate media disinformation, or spin begins, and I quote:

"This was in no way an assassination attempt," police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said, calling the incident a suicide.

To me, admittedly just a little armchair spectator in this safer part of the world, this whole thing just stinks of “covert operations.” Reading the various MSM reports, Sarkozy was in Israel offering to be a peace broker between Israel and Palestine, a key goal of the EU. He was there to pledge his allegiance to Israel and to tell Israel “that it is "not alone" in facing any threat posed by Iran's nuclear programme.” Anyone else hearing the rattling of a war drum that originates halfway around the world, or more particularly, from the shadowy men who have risen above mere nation states?

Contrast this MSM reporting with this from alternative media sources, who report clearly and on the ground, including interviews with the Israeli guards family that this was in fact an assassination attempt and the cover up was immediate. A couple of things stand out for me.

- The interviews with the family, if they can be believed, who are quite adamant that the guard did not in any way demonstrate a propensity, or risk of suicide. And with his military training, experience, level of security clearance and someone who was clearly positioned as he was (on top of a roof) is not likely to publically commit suicide. Anyone who has served in the military, or those of us who know police officers understand, they usually suffer in silence for a long time, demonstrate a few signs of depression, hopelessness or problems that are identified by family and friends, which is clearly not the case for this officer, as reported by the folks who see him daily and know him best. And anyone who demonstrates any kind of mental weakness, or causes any kind of concern is not going to get the kind of clearance this officer had for this operation. These folks don’t kill themselves in public, like most cops, or soldiers, their trauma and pain is locked up in shame and when they do decide to end it, they do it in isolation away from the public eye.

- Another piece, MSM reports he was killed by a rifle. Now, I know military types are talented, skillful folks and I’m no "CSI ammunition expert," but I’d like someone to explain to me how a highly trained and experienced Israeli military trained officer, in the middle of a high level international mission, is going to manage to shoot himself with a rifle?

- Another important piece to me is that there were reports that after the death of the officer, two female Israeli army officers were reported to have “fainted” and been taken by authorities, purportedly for medical assessment. Now, I haven’t spent any time in the military myself and I know anything is possible, but can someone explain to me how two Israeli military officers who have enough experience and high level security clearance to be involved in this international mission guarding the safety and wellbeing of the nation’s Prime Minister and president were so dainty and slight of heart that they “fainted” at the sight of their military brother’s demise? The Israeli’s make tough people, and although I know more about trauma than most, there isn’t enough ink that could be spilled in this world to convince me these military officers went to pieces like what was reported. The pandering reference to the “weaker” propensity of “female officers” to fall to pieces is just not credible at all. What’s much more likely to me is they were birds eye witnesses to what happened and were whisked away for a “debriefing” which including strong “encouragement” (some might say compelled) to report on the “official” version of events.

- A fourth but related piece of the puzzle is that one of the first and only global alternative media networks to report on the assassination attempt against Sarkozy, What Does it Mean, was subjected to what they describe as being “brought [us] nearly to our knees with some of the most vicious and sustained assaults upon our computer networks I’ve ever seen.” And not satisfied to just attack them, the hack extended to their networks, namely the Russian Gnostic sisters, specifically Sorcha Faal, who disseminates information and reports from Russia about geopolitical events. The fact that Faal just posted a story about the assassination attempt is no coincidence and clearly efforts were made to bring the site down and stop them from challenging the manipulation and dissemination of disinformation by the global corporate media, which has decided what the real story is.

As one who likes to speculate, who benefits from discord and war in the Middle East most? I’ll leave it to all of your imaginations to figure that one out. I figure by just writing this little piece and some of the other things I’ve written before has gotten me on some sort of dissident round up list. Perhaps it sounds like paranoia and aggrandizement, but if I am to believe my brother and sister citizen journalists and human rights activists around the world, those of us who offer alternatives to MSM and alternative analysis of geopolitical events are quite at-risk as the machinery of the New World rolls ever forward crushing anyone and anything that gets in their path.

Last time I went to the States my name was flagged and my entire vehicle was searched. I won’t be back. Might be a coincidence, random searches happen, but so do apprehensions of activists and those perceived to be dissidents. And under American law, anyone can be declared an "enemy of the state."

And as far as I can make of it, the Powers that Be are on a tight deadline here, November 2008 is coming quick and Western regime change stands all but confirmed by the voters, which has of course not stopped them in the past, but just in case, the Big Boys need to pull out all of the stops while they can.

I think it’s going to be a very hot summer in certain parts of the world, while domestically, the sleeping giant of North America’s citizenry grows more and more angry and filled with despair as they lose everything and look for fingers to point in someone's direction and begin to ask what their governments are doing to help them? That’s the real million-dollar question.

Media can keep spinning out stories about vapid, stupid and expendable Hollywood types, or whatever distractions and disinformation they want, but the carnage across the Americas and the useless savagery being done to our courageous forces serving around the world will grow too serious for the Silverbacks to ignore.

This is the story of the universe, the dog chasing its’ tale: the demons come, the fighting begins, the world is destroyed, to be created anew by the just, compassionate and humble once again.

Israeli guard kills self at Sarkozy farewell
Francois Murphy, Reuters. Published: Tuesday, June 24, 2008

State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq

By Andrew G. Marshall
Global Research, June 25, 2008

Gunshot starts panic as Sarkozy leaves Israel
Rory McCarthy in Jerusalem. The Guardian, Wednesday June 25, 2008.

The Project for the New American Century
By William Rivers Pitt (02/25/03).

Thursday, June 26, 2008

10 Easy Steps to Losing An Election: Brought to You by the NDP

NDP: Now is the time to send us $100
Lindsay Kines, Times Colonist
Published: Thursday, June 26, 2008

The NDP has a helpful suggestion on how to spend your $100 climate action cheque.

Give it to them.

In a "Dear Friend" e-mail to supporters, NDP environment critic Shane Simpson urges people to make their "gas tax rebate count" by funneling it to his party.

This just proves that the NDP are actually as frighteningly clued out as the Liberals. Who in their right mind okayed this grab of the Climate Change “dividend?” Whoever it is should be banished and muzzled. This whole thing begs the question, does the NDP actually want to be elected as the majority party in May 2009? This foolish stunt tells us no, in fact they don’t.

If the NDP brain trust couldn’t figure out this would be leaked and the optics of it when it was, then they are quite simply too stupid to be our next majority government. Because, like the Liberals, it’s these Backroom Silverbacks that are going to be the ones coming up with government policy and direction. If we were a conspiracy minded type, we might actually think the NDP actually wants the party to lose the next election. Although they have a nice leader(certainly a nicer one than the Liberals) Carole James is just not believable as a strong leader and the party continually present confusing, ill advised or half-baked platforms and ideas. Talk to anyone on the street (who isn’t an NDP insider) and they would not be able to say a thing about what the NDP actually stands for anymore, or what better solutions they have to offer. And that’s a PRETTY BIG problem considering they will be involved in an election in less than 18 months.

It’s this insular “inner circle” party thinking that helped kill Sam Sullivan’s career as mayor of Vancouver and that was a humiliating defeat. To recount, the sitting mayor lost the nomination for mayor in the next election of his own party. Talk about a non-confidence vote. He and his insiders on the executive did what they could to smear his opponent, yet, at the end of the day, he still lost. And he lost because he was out of touch with his party and his style of leadership was so exclusive, insular, insulting and full of dirty pool that he couldn’t even win the support of a majority of his membership. As on aside, I really hope the neophytes who were cheerleaders to him learned their lesson over this. Their open and public adoration and support for someone who shot himself and his whole party in the foot (with the public) sends a loud message about their insight and judgment. Be a little more diplomatic, rise above it all folks, or, get your head out of your @$$ if you want to play this game and not look like an idiot and have to do some major butt kissing to the new boss to stay in the game.

I think it’s time for the NDP to take a long, cold, brave look at themselves and where they are heading (into the rocks if they don’t smarten up). They fail to understand they do not own the hearts and minds of voters in BC, even on the left or in the labour movement. BTW, their shill (the BCGEU) has engendered a serious bunch of ill will in the labour community over their foolish actions over the last couple of years so that is something to strongly consider and the labour community as a whole is going to question what the NDP has done for them and since they could be their employer next round of bargaining, things are not as cut & dried as they seem. The stunning lack of clarity about what the party actually stands for and whose interests they actually represent, makes enough of the lefties and more moderate centre folks nervous to make their return to prominence a questionable thing.

Don’t forget, it’s not just the media that helped sink them (fast ferries, Glen Clark, Bingogate) it was also some of the more questionable policy and governance decisions they made that killed their credibility as social democrats. They cut welfare in the late 90’s, started contracting out and continue to support devolution of services from government even in the midst of the mayhem now occurring. For anyone wanting more on some of their history in government see Jim Herring’s 2003 pamphlet “Labour, the NDP and Our Communities” for a fascinating analysis of the NDP in action when in power (Clarion Publishing).

Party insiders tell us that there are also many NDP members (and former members) who are disillusioned and wondering what the hell has happened to “their” party? The primary supposition, which is arguably quite accurate, is that the NDP are actually much more neo-liberal/conservative than they are willing to admit and continue to pander and bandy about that they are democratic socialists, but their actions are anything but. You can fool some of the people… I think it is also the fact that like, the Liberals, the major players rose from the ranks, it's the Peter Principle all over again, only on a bigger scale with no-one to really stop them (except maybe voters).

As a citizen, it would be hard to vote for a party whose confusing response to the Liberals ill-advised and unpopular carbon tax is to “Axe the Tax,” but even though they think it should be axed, they too would tax us? And, since it is going through, why don’t we give the $$$ to the NDP party instead??? If they actually want to get elected, maybe the party leadership will start to get real and look at the chance they are quite likely blowing with confusion, half-assed (or none) ideas and hypocrisy. Right now, all they’re looking like to voters is a bunch of bumbling idiots, and a gentler, perhaps less evil version of the Liberals. And those who have gone up against the party brass can tell you (if they can be found in the bone yard) is they can be every bit as nasty as the Liberals in getting rid of the naysayers, realists and those who have a differing opinion.

September 12, 2007
Whips and chains
Public Eye Online.

November 27, 2005

For Fox sake!

January 16, 2008
New Labour?

Earlier, we reported Canadian Office and Professional Employees communications director Mike Bruce, British Columbia Government and Service Employees Union staff representative Vanessa Geary and BC FORUM organizer/executive assistant Monica Ghosh Malcolm would be running for Vision Vancouver's executive. All of them were elected. And, when you add Canadian Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada national representative Joie Warnock to that list, it means four of the civic party's nine new board members come from the labour movement. Asked about the matter, Vision Vancouver director Mike Magee said, "I'm very pleased with the executive because it not only has labour it has business, it has youth, it has Chinese, it has Indo-Canadian, it has representation from across the city. I think it's a really strong executive. So we welcome labour and we welcome busines. And they're both represented."

May 16, 2008
Share and share alike?

The Vision Vancouver mayoral nomination membership drive may be over. But it didn't come off without a hitch. On April 29, provincial New Democrat president Jeff Fox notified the civic association that many of his members were "concerned that BC NDP membership lists have either directly or indirectly found their way into the hands of the Vision campaign."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bit & Bytes

You know, I got my “Climate Action Dividend” today, like a lot of BC citizens and I feel pretty crappy about it actually. I’m definitely into making changes in how I operate in terms of environmental issues (if I hear one more person say "carbon footprint" there will be blood)and the impact they have globally, but I feel like this is some lame attempt at buying me and perhaps my vote. See, we’re the good guys who hand out money and (pretend) are doing something about the environment...

The problem being, people with paid expenses for fuel, food etc. are totally disconnected and out of touch by how fast regular folks have been subjected to hefty rises in costs as a result. I think it is ridiculous that the BC Utilities Commission (handpicked Liberal cronies) have allowed Terasen Gas (more handpicked insiders) to raise the rate of gas 22% in the last year. Food costs have gone up, both because of increased fuel costs for transport, but also skyrocketing costs for basics, such as wheat and rice. The insane weather and tragedies around the globe isn't helping either. But, I'm quite sure the members of BCUC get expenses paid too. The whole lot of them get their gas paid for by us so they can afford to be magnamious. Unfortately, it's the rest of that pay and pay and pay. Critical mass folks, I think most of us feel taxed to death these days and we're not looking to our governments to add more. It's almost like Campbell and Dion are daring us to put them out of our misery. Okay, lets do it.

Carbon Tax Screws BC's North?

The closest thing we have, it seems, is figures from Terasen Gas, which show that the average natural gas customer in the Interior and the north actually ...-

A Province for Sale?
As B.C. assets shift into foreign hands, some see a big cost: Ability to chart our own economic future.

By Claudia Cornwall
Published: January 14, 2005


This was an outstanding of journalism by Chad Skelton in Saturdays Vancouver Sun. I hope the agencies and organizations checking up on their stats are ready to start answering questions.

Daycares lost track of children 230 times over five years
The second in the Sun's Care & Attention series
Chad Skelton, Vancouver Sun
Published: Friday, June 20, 2008

This is the link for where citizens can look up daycares, group homes & facilities to see their risk ratings, what violations the place has been cited for and for critical incidents:

You have to use the name of the program, or house, not the agency, or address.


A BIG shout out to George Carlin and family. He was a true genius and rabblerousers like him don’t come around very often. The Earth is a lesser place without him. Beware the filth:

Seven Words

Some people are stupid

Edgy comic George Carlin dies in L.A., aged 71
Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs, dirty words and the...

Vancouver Sun. June 23, 2008.


The May 2009 Liberal Dream Team
BC Liberals Suck.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bet Their Family Get-togethers were something

Vancouver Island councillor and sons face new charges
CBC News. June 18, 2008

My comments:

I think it is quite likely the one brother has been plunged into the hell of instant detox and his hunger is quite likely for something other than food, but then that's just a guess. I take it none of the fine upstanding folks on here have ever been "dope sick" or known anyone who got "dope sick" but it is a pretty terrible thing. I don't know much about this case, but it seems fairly certain to me that drugs have torn this whole family apart and ruined the career and life of a man who was well thought of in his community. I've seen too much mayhem and pain from drugs, the drug trade and the impacts on families, good families and parents. I have compassion & understanding now. Most junkies I've known hate themselves and what they've done to their families and feel a kind of shame most of us will never know underneath it all.

There are glass houses people and every one of us reading this is one moment away from having a relative who is breaking into houses for crack money, or having her ass pimped out for dope. We all like to feel superior and smug as we pass judgment on the wreckage of other people's lives, but anyone on here who is a parent should kiss your kids and tell them that you love them and pray like hell everything will be okay and someone somewhere doesn't say to them someday, hey, it's just one line...just one hoot... Check out Everlast-Ends for a musical comment on it all.

And, I must agree, there is a wee thing called due process. If anyone of us fine folks was facing charges, or our loved ones, we'd probably want things like human and legal rights to be upheld and perhaps a fair trial, I'm just guessing. I'm sure this will play out the usual way, they'll plead to lesser offences, and take their lumps. The charges are already getting dumbed down.
Murder suspect allegedly assaulted man last year
Last Updated: Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How Bill C51 helps destroy Canada

Thought I should jump in here about that virulent piece of nastiness, Bill C51. It would appear our very rights as mere citizens of Canada are in jeopardy.

What do the Conservatives have against Omega 3’s, Echinacea or Spirulina, or Greens.
A friend of mine with rheumatoid arthritis recently bought as much tiger balm as she could from her local wholesaler from all of their stores around. It’s one of the few things that gives her a modicum of relief of pain and she can’t bear the thought of going without. We joked that she could turn herself into a regional supplier of the stuff. But, once you start reading Bill C51, would my friend be viewed as a criminal to her government if it is passed? As I often find myself reflecting these, what the hell is wrong with our government?

Heike Ferrie wrote an excellent piece called Prescription drugs are now the leading cause of death in the May 2008 issue of the Monitor, from the
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Her article starts out with the following:

“Street drugs kill about 20,000 people a year in North America, but prescription drugs kill about 700,000 year, making legal drugs the leading cause of death. Drug side effects also cause 8.8 million hospitalizations annually or 28% of all hospital admissions.”

So, let’s get this straight. There is not one single known death attributed to natural health products in Canada, yet Stephen Harper and Tony Clement, his Minister of Health, want to strip the citizens of this country of our right to access a wide range of natural health products. If Bill C51 passes, and you buy/sell/share/collect/dry/eat/feed to your family any of the restricted items, your government will label you a criminal and you could be subject to fines 1000X bigger than those currently in effect.

As many are picking up, is this really about the health of Canadians? It’s really smoke & mirrors. Many are questioning the draconian measures being enshrined in this bill, right under our noses. Essentially, Bill C51 seems simply an additional link in the chain that is the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) and North American Union (NAU), where the powers that be (whoever these shadowy folks are) create something to fear domestically as a shield to erode citizen rights to those little things like freedom and democracy. When a government criminalizes it’s citizens for providing and selling health products there is something so much more going on.

The Official Stop C51 Website

Bill C-51 Will:
Allow Government agents to:
-Enter private property without a warrant Section 23 (4)
-Confiscate your property at their discretion, at your cost Section 23.3 a
-Dispose of your property at their discretion, at your cost Section 23.3 c
-Seize your bank accounts without a warrant Section 23 (2) (d)
-Charge you for shipping and storage of your property Section 23.3a-b
-Store your property Indefinitely without paying you for damages Section 23 (2) (d)
-Levy fines of up to $5,000,000.00 / 2 years in jail per offence. Section 31.1

Introduce new legislation that will:
-Allow laws to be created in Canada, behind closed doors, with the assistance of foreign governments, industrial and trade organizations Section 30.7
-Allow "Crack house style" of enforcement on natural health providers Section 23.1
-Allow enforcement to be considered on more than 70% of Canadians who use NHP's Health Canada Reference
-Allow the minister, based on opinion, to shut down research without any scientific reason or evidence of risk or harm Section 18.5
-Allow the minister, based on opinion, to allow or disallow market authorizations for Natural Health Products Section 18.7 (1)


Stop C51 Petition: Don’t Let OUR government push this through.

Let your MP know that if they don’t fight Bill C51 and help prevent it from being passed that they will never sit in that big House again. This is worth bringing the Conservatives down over and the Opposition members need to know that. They have had many opportunities and I suggest the destruction of Canadian’s basic Charter Rights & Freedoms in this way is enough of a reason to tear this House apart.

Member of Parliament Lookup

Find out who your MP is to request their advocacy services on your behalf.


“Once upon a time there was a Canada”

Canada's C-51 Law To Outlaw 60% of Natural Health Products: Don't Let Big Pharma Do This To Canada

C-51 would even criminalize the simple drying of herbs in your kitchen to be used in an herbal product, by the way. That would now be categorized as a “controlled activity,” and anyone caught engaging in such “controlled activities” would be arrested, fined and potentially jailed. Other “controlled activities” include labeling bottles, harvesting plants on a farm, collecting herbs from your back yard, or even testing herbal products on yourself! (Yes, virtually every activity involving herbs or supplements would be criminalized...)
This last bit is interesting in the context of the Witch hunts of centuries past. Wise women (crones) were the established healers of the village and community and wouldn’t you know the criminalization and rounding up of these wise women led to the creation and rise of the medical and legal systems. I guess I better go throw that drying rosemary out, yikes, wouldn’t want the storm troopers descending to take me into custody, they’d have a field day with all the vitamins and natural health products I have in my home. I wonder what gulag they’ll build for all of these heartless criminals? Guatanamo is supposed to be emptying soon and I hear Haliburton is on a detention centre building boom in the US, so I guess we better stop giving vitamins to the kids too. A whole new boom time will happen for the child protection and legal system if parents are going to be criminalized for giving the kids natural health products. When is this madness going to stop?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Flotsam & Jetsam: BC Politics Style

I ran into Shane Simpson the other day and asked him what happened with the Whistleblower Act that he introduced in the Legislature in November 2007. He advised that the bill died on the floor and so will have to be re-introduced if there is a fall session. That is a big IF to me. Why in the hell would the Liberals go back into OUR house (which they have long forgotten) with the insanity and mayhem they have going on all over the place?
I'm sure some of the Liberal MLA's aren't hightailing it out. I wonder how many have said they're out, didn't they all have to get their answer in?

I understand Carole Taylor packed up her office and it's ready for the cabinet shuffle that's coming. If I were her I'd turn the lights off and not look back once, breathing a sigh of relief, even though she still has to hang around until the election. I imagine it would be great not to have to deal with the kind of crap she had to put up with as the Minister of Finance with a micromanager/ powermonger/ control freak and his Merry Men telling me and my staff how to do my job. I bet that is one lady who knows STUFF. She is smarter than all of them put together, so she will put a WHOLE LOT of pieces together and seen a bunch I'm sure. Maybe that's what should happen, maybe Carole Taylor should consider running for Premier as an Independent. I think she would stand a better chance than Campbell, or James. It seems the writing is on the wall and it's going to be difficult for anyone to support either of them next go round. Wouldn't that be interesting and spice things up for May 2009?
It's too bad Corky Evans is out, but not entirely unexpected. I hope they throw him a great retirement bash. He's been a real asset to BC. I agree with what he says about how political life has been so diminished and it is actually a great career. Not everyone who is in politics is a crook, or dishonourable, but many think that's the case. Politics is a complicated business, with many unexpected thorns and roses.
Did people catch Sean Holman's story about Patrick Kinsella & Mark Jiles, more alleged unregistered Campbell insiders and lobbyists:

"Progressive Group that the firm has helped win major government contracts and benefits on behalf of powerful foreign and business interests. Progressive's chairman is Patrick Kinsella, who headed the provincial Liberal's election campaigns in 2001 and 2005. And it's president is Mark Jiles, Premier Gordon Campbell's former constituency campaign manager."

You know, I think that the "plead guilty to a lesser evil, pay a fine and walk away with a conditional charge thing" is NOT actually acting as a deterent" from other clever and amoral business folks who are taking us to the cleaners.
Hey, here's another blog. BC Liberals Suck.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Vancouver City Politics: Ladner is In, Sullivan is Out

This is from a comment we did on the Tyee from Monte Paulsen's article:

Ladner Seizes NPA Crown: After 15 years on council, Mayor Sullivan turns out fewer than a thousand supporters.By Monte Paulsen Published: June 9, 2008

Vision has nothing to be scared of, unless Gregor Robertson doesn't win the nomination, which I think he will quite easily.

It's the NPA who should be very, very scared and I think they are, especially now. When I talk my dear old mum, a lifetime small c conservative voter and she says she will vote for Gregor over the NPA, that speaks volumes. He appeals to a wide cross section of voters on many levels.

And both Vision & COPE are right, Ladner, while maybe having a "softer" image than Sullivan, does not differ policy wise and has voted onside with him. And, Sam's cheerleaders on council made the biggest rookie mistakes you can, they put all their eggs in one basket and it turned out it had a false bottom. It's easy to understand though, you're either on Sullivan's side, or you're the enemy, that's why the NPA have created such bad party: Sullivan is a poor leader. Diversify people, be friends and supporters of everyone, at least publically. Politics 101.

It seems so very tedious that the political folks seem always doomed to fail to learn their lessons... when you become so insular and arrogant, you alienate many, including some of your supporters and as Sullivan found out, your own party. And voters. This happened when they pulled the nastiness to oust Phillip Owen & that backfired big time.

Ladner's win is a good thing for the NPA, but it will make the race for the next mayor a bit more of a challenge. But, one thing Roberts has that no-one else does, is the political might and machine of the NDP and some of the big unions. The NPA and COPE can't even begin to compete with that
kind of organizing and campaigning strategy and experience.

I know those in Roberts camp are reading this and as a small time observer in this drama, it's my suggestion that it's time for Vision to bury the hatchet with COPE and bring a progressive majority back to city hall in time for the circus that will be 2010 and the fallout that will be sure to follow.

If the Liberals get in for a 3rd term, the carnage that we all see in this city now will look like a walk in the park compared to everything that is coming and Vancouver needs a progressive, united and strong team to work together. It is inevitable with food security issues becoming more prevalent, ever-increasing utilities, a real estate bubble that will burst and the many other socio-economic realities that will continue to arise because the Liberals have destroyed the social safety net and are selling BC's resources and services off lock, stock & barrel. Our province is in serious trouble, only people don't know how bad yet.

The consequences of globalization and the false world economies are coming home to roost faster than many are aware and it's going to get ugly. We need a solid and progressive government and leadership to help bring us all together to work for the common good.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

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